
Nov 18 2024 to Nov 22 2024

Following on from the successful OceanPredict ’19 symposium in Halifax, May 2019, the next symposium will take place at UNESCO/IOC in Paris from 18-22 November 2024.

It is planned as a four-day event (Monday to Thursday) an will drive forward the ForeSea effort of international coordination and community building of an ocean prediction capacity for the future.

May 30 2023

The scientific focus of ComEc 2023 will be on key aspects of community ecology, including the impacts of global change on biodiversity, the role of species in communities, sustainability and resilience of natural communities to human pressures, insights into innovative solutions for biodiversity monitoring, mapping and analysis, and many other topics. Accepted work may range from applied modeling approaches to theoretical analyzes, from experimental approaches to data collection and analysis.

Apr 28 2023

A paper recently published on Biogeosciences investigates the Subsurface Oxygen Maximum (SOM) developing between spring and autumn in the Mediterranean Sea, by using the biogeochemical reanalysis of the Copernicus Marine Service. The SOM concentration (230 ÷ 250 mmolO2 m-3) and depth (30-100m) display a clear mesoscale variability and is associated with circulation structures, as well as biological production and density cap.