In the frame of the project RETURN (multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate) financed by the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR - NextGenerationEU funds), the research group in Dynamics of Ecosystems and Computational Oceanography (ECHO) of the Oceanography Section of OGS ( is hiring 3 PostDocs (deadline for applications: 23 June).
Topic: Data science applied to the analysis of environmental, natural and anthropogenic risks in the marine environment
- Profile 1.
- Analysis of marine environmental data obtained using models and calculation of hazard indicators.
- Profile 2.
- Analysis of marine environmental data in relation to different climatic and socio-economic scenarios.
- Profile 3.
- Modelling the bioaccumulation of pollutant compounds in food webs.
For all info:
For more info on ECHO group:
For specific inquiries about the call, please contact